Fostering youth employment and societal change through social entrepreneurship!
EU4Youth - Social Innovation Impact - a strategic partnership!
- Locations: Republic of Moldova, Ukraine
- Period: February 2020 – March 2023
- Budget: €1.666.612,83
- Lead Partner: ADV Romania Foundation (Alaturi de Voi Romania)
→ Partners:
Asociația de Cooperare Transfrontalieră “Euroregiunea Dunarea de Jos”, Galați, România
Agenția de Cooperare Transfrontalieră și Integrare Europeană, Cahul, R Moldova
Platforma Națională a Femeilor din Moldova (PNFM), Chișinău, Rep. Moldova
Organizația Obștească de Tineret “Noua Generație a Europei”, Ismail, Ucraina
Overall objective: To foster the empowerment of the entrepreneurial potential of young people from Moldova and Ukraine in the field of social entrepreneurship, notably with a view to contributing to social cohesion, employment, inclusion and reduction of inequalities.
Specific objective:
- To inform at least 2,5 mil people from the Republic of Moldova and the Odessa & Cernauti Regions from Ukraine with respect to the impact of social entrepreneurship in the community and to the contribution of social enterprises to valuing youth potential, lowering social disparities and creating inclusive workplaces.
- To establish 4 Social Innovation Labs in the Republic of Moldova and in Ukraine in view of offering specific information, professional capacity building and developing start-ups in the field of social entrepreneurship for at least 1,700 people in the region, of which at least 90% are youths.
- To incubate and implement 8 social enterprises of young people from the Republic of Moldova and from Ukraine within the Cross-border “Accelerator of Social Enterprises” competition.
- To support the development of a favorable ecosystem for social enterprises in Moldova and Ukraine to develop and prosper.
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