
Enterprising for Tomorrow: Social Entrepreneurship & Youth Engagement Conference

The following organisations will process the personal data provided by you:
  • Close to you Foundation Romania
  • Cross-Border Cooperation Association "Lower Danube Euroregion" - Galați, Romania
  • Agency for Cross-Border Cooperation and European Integration - Cahul, Republic of Moldova
  • Public Youth Organization "New Generation of Europe", Ismail, Ukraine

The information provided by you is intended for the implementation of the project “EU4Youth - Social Innovation Impact - a strategic partnership!”. The project is funded by the European Union, through the “EU4Youth - Fostering youth employment and societal change though social entrepreneurship” Program. As the case may be, the information may be communicated to the European Commission, auditors and central/local public authorities (if applicable). By completing and submitting this form you agree with the use of personal data for the purpose of project implementation.

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