Map of Social Enterprises from Moldova

MEGA Generation

MEGA Generation este specializată în prestarea de servicii personalizate de înaltă calitate, care includ servicii de cercetare de mediu, de educație și de consultanță în diferite domenii de expertiză. Oferindu-vă aceste servicii, noi nu numai că vă satisfacem nevoile și vă împuternicim cu cunoștințe, abilități și resurse necesare, dar vă ajutăm și să contribuiți la anumite Obiectivele de Dezvoltare Durabilă (ODD) ale ONU.

MEGA Generation este specializată în prestarea de servicii personalizate de înaltă calitate, care includ servicii de cercetare de mediu, de educație și de consultanță în diferite domenii de expertiză. Viziunea noastră este un viitor durabil, în care fiecare persoană, organizație și afacere este împuternicită cu cunoștințe, abilități și resurse potrivite pentru a contribui în mod eficient la conservarea naturii și la dezvoltarea durabilă oriunde în lume.


Noi promovăm educația prin joacă, iar colecția de jucării pe care o creăm le oferă părinților, o alternativă eficientă în lupta contra ecranelor prin dezvoltarea creativității și inteligenței copiilor.

Noi promovăm educația prin joacă, iar colecția de jucării pe care o creăm le oferă părinților, o alternativă eficientă în lupta contra ecranelor prin dezvoltarea creativității și inteligenței copiilor. Din aprilie 2012 ne jucăm și învățăm, creăm sau importăm jocuri și jucării, și inventăm metode noi de a preocupa și inspira copiii. Am ales să fim o afacere socială și să privim dincolo de profit. Ne-am propus să sprijinim educatorii și să le oferim soluții eficiente care să-i ajute în misiunea lor nobilă, motiv pentru care profitul îl direcționăm în organizarea seminariilor de dezvoltare a gândirii critice, de storytelling și ateliere de creație pentru copii, părinți si educatori, cu participare gratuită.


Reinvent - the first Upcycling studio in Moldova!

<p><strong>Reinvent - the first Upcycling studio in Moldova!</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>A place created with care for people, nature and animals, where we are invited to discover the joy that comes from the creative transformation of used objects.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Tires that become colorful pet beds, old furniture and decorations that turn into unique pieces, jackets that turn into eco-chic bags, cans that become spectacular decorations or practical tools. These are just some of the examples by which Reinvent helps its customers to save money, enjoy a different kind of "new" and have a sustainable lifestyle.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Reinvent was created with the desire to find a solution to save and and recycle the many good things that often end up in the trash. It is a place where creative reinventors stir their imagination and give a fabulous new life to an old object.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The first upcycling studio from the Republic of Moldova was founded by Romanița Alexeev, a young woman from Chisinau, who launched this social venture after participating in a social entrepreneurship program, financed by the European Union.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Reinvent is a social enterprise, which means that compared to a classic enterprise, it was founded with the mission of bringing change for the better, and the profit is the tool by which this change is possible.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>The social mission</strong> of the workshop is and always will be at the forefront, and its economic activity is only the means by which social objectives, among which are listed, can be achieved:</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li>reducing waste and saving natural resources by putting back into circulation used goods with properties that can still be exploited;</li> <li>creating jobs for vulnerable groups;</li> <li>promoting responsible community living and values such as empathy, respect and mutual support.</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>INFO</strong></p> <p>Email:&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p> <p>Phone: +373 675 12 126</p> <p>Website:&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p> <p><a href="">Facebook</a></p> <p>Address: Str. Ion Luca Caragiale 3A, Chișinău, Buiucani</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img src="" alt="" width="300" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><iframe style="height: 450px;" title="YouTube video player" src="" width="100%" height="350" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p>

3 de bine

Trei de Bine - The first online shop dedicated to local producers from the Republic of Moldova!

<p>Trei de Bine - The first online shop dedicated to local producers from the Republic of Moldova!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>In 2022, Elizaveta Dulgheru, a young woman from Ungheni, with a passion for social entrepreneurship, set out on a special mission to bring change for good!</p> <p>Healthy food from local producers, eco products for home and body, which you would usually find at fairs, can now be ordered and delivered to consumers across Moldova.</p> <p>Trei de Bine is a social business, and the profit will be directed towards three national priorities: water and soil protection, support for small local farmers and producers and encouraging healthy eating.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Visit and discover how you can do good for yourself, for the hardworking local communities, and for the environment.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="">Facebook</a></p> <p>Website:&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p> <p>E-mail:&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p> <p>Telefon: +373 605 05 333</p> <p>Adresă: S. Todirești, R. Ungheni, MD-3649</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><iframe style="height: 450px;" title="YouTube video player" src="" width="100%" height="350" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p> <p><img src=";ccb=1-7&amp;_nc_sid=09cbfe&amp;_nc_eui2=AeH2cm8zLYbr3s_6EjV2ucLsfqQvlSx-UsJ-pC-VLH5SwmpvTLbuayXBL9RJRrdlRpgamwtB008_SQHM1R1S2f3J&amp;_nc_ohc=TXAZoF5xB4cAX_-EdR9&amp;_nc_ht=scontent.fsbz1-2.fna&amp;oh=00_AfAq5_8rvSv-d3gzqtIfGjycH4ou-1LECX4ZlltnLRk_uA&amp;oe=647BD66B" alt="No photo description available." width="300" /></p>

Întreprinderea Socială "SOCIAL TEXTIL" SRL

SOCIAL TEXTIL is the first social enterprise in the district of Causeni, Republic of Moldova. The workshop offers clothing repair services; manufacture of sports/casual clothing; and training of disadvantaged people in the field of tailoring.

<p><a href="">"SOCIAL TEXTIL"</a>&nbsp;is the first social enterprise in Causeni district, Republic of Moldova.</p> <p>The activities of the workshop have three directions:</p> <ul> <li>garment repair services - with the aim of reintroducing clothing into circulation, thus preventing environmental pollution by throwing clothes into the garbage dump</li> <li>manufacture of sports/casual suits</li> <li>training disadvantaged people in tailoring</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Social impact</strong></p> <p>We create jobs for disadvantaged and disabled people and provide them with the opportunity to train on the job and gain a skill that will help them be useful to society, as well as increase their self-esteem.</p> <ul> <li>the socio-professional inclusion of disadvantaged and disabled people in Chircăieștii Noi&nbsp;</li> <li>creation and maintenance of jobs, favourable conditions of accommodation&nbsp;</li> <li>90% of the profit is reinvested in the development of the business and in social actions to support and help disadvantaged groups of the population.&nbsp;</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>INFO</strong></p> <p>Address: Str. Ștefan cel Mare și Sf&icirc;nt 67, Chircăieștii Noi r. Căușeni, R. Moldova<br />Phone: +37368194634<br />E-mail:&nbsp;<a href="">,</a>&nbsp;<a href=""></a><br />Facebook:&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><iframe style="height: 450px;" title="YouTube video player" src="" width="100%" height="350" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p> <p><img src=";ccb=1-7&amp;_nc_sid=09cbfe&amp;_nc_ohc=3zYgINRYRUQAX-eLfhL&amp;tn=YtjtCEP2iiEukPIN&amp;_nc_ht=scontent.fias1-1.fna&amp;oh=00_AT-cGKctnTb_S1YUR2YBmMPRTRX9LYy_kMyhovouOu_pqQ&amp;oe=6341A334" alt="No photo description available." width="300" /></p>

Prieteni dragi

Hotel for pets. Prieteni dragi - the place where beloved pets can enjoy care and attention when their owners go on vacation or renovate the house.

<p><strong>Prieteni dragi</strong> - the place where beloved pets can enjoy care and attention when their owners go on vacation or renovate the house.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Dogs, cats and even parrots - they all have dedicated spaces and a wide range of specialized services here. For just a few hours or even for several months. Moreover, animal lovers can learn here how to behave with their pets.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Prieteni dragi is a social business, founded by two friends - Olga and Ecaterina, who dream to bring change for the better in the community of people with disabilities and in the community of animal lovers.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Prieteni Dragi is more than a pet hotel! It is a place where young people with Down syndrome and Autism get help for social integration, either as employees within the enterprise or as beneficiaries of Animal Assisted Therapy Services.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The pet hotel is located in the capital city of Moldova - Chisinau and has received support from the European Union, within the EU4Youth Social Innovation project - a strategic partnership! project, which offered young people from Moldova opportunities for training, financing and mentoring in social entrepreneurship.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Because Prieteni Dragi is a social enterprise, 90% of the profit is reinvested in the social mission of the enterprise, to create even more jobs for socially vulnerable people and to offer free sterilization services for stray animals and animals of owners do not have access to these services due to low income.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="">Facebook</a><br /><br /></p> <p>E-mail:&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p> <p>Phone: +373 696 50 182</p> <p>Address: Chișinău</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><iframe style="height: 450px;" title="YouTube video player" src="" width="100%" height="350" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img src=";ccb=1-7&amp;_nc_sid=09cbfe&amp;_nc_eui2=AeHflhrfHqyvrC7k2m0IKO91TgjcJFDh0S1OCNwkUOHRLei-DNKWW-7ep6pc9H9mokvuhLUKJk1DiBh_sx36-_XY&amp;_nc_ohc=NxcgUAWKmlkAX8wOwPC&amp;_nc_ht=scontent.fsbz1-2.fna&amp;oh=00_AfDIDWK4cEK2feERdiUM1sZFmSr5eAakuxDX99C_DNU3nQ&amp;oe=647B5F96" alt="No photo description available." width="300" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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