Enterprising for Tomorrow: Social Entrepreneurship & Youth Engagement Conference
May 13, 2022 | Free online registration
Online event | Live video broadcasting from Iasi, Romania | May 13, 2021
We celebrate the month of the social economy in Romania with an exceptional virtual event! Come and discover what are the businesses of the future, what are the opportunities for the community you belong to and how you can be at the forefront of the new paradigm that changes the business world.
Mayof of Iasi. Romania
General Secretary, Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure from the Republic of Moldova
Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Social Policy (Ukrainian Parliament) : Vision of Ukraine regarding the development of social entrepreneurship and youth engagement (TBC)
Team Leader EU4Youth, Youth Engagement Roadmaps project
Speakers & Topics
Angela Achiței, has been leading the “Alaturi de Voi” Romania Foundation (ADV) for more than 19 years, one of the largest organizations in Romania specialized in social economy. She is one of the promoters of the law of the social economy in Romania and of the social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova. Since 2008, under the umbrella of the foundation, she has developed three social enterprises: UtilDeco, JobDirect and WISE.travel. He also founded the ADV Academy, as a tool for professional development in the field of social entrepreneurship. In the last 2 years the organization she leads has been grant manager for 42 social enterprises in Romania, a succesful model which will be replicated in the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.
In 2016, she won the EY Social Entrepreneur of the Year award, and she guided her life by the following principle: "What we do every day… practically defines our future!"
Duration: 10:10 - 10:20 EEST
Christian Wagner, Team Leader of the EU funded EU4Youth Youth Engagement Roadmaps since January 2020.
Mr Wagner holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Tübingen, after studying in Munich and Moscow at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO).
He recently assisted as Team Leader the Kyrgyz Ministry of Education and Science to develop a national concept on introducing entrepreneurship education in Vocational Education and Training (VET) and contributed to a text-book for VET students on “Basics of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Skills”.
From 2013 to 2019 he worked as Team Leader for the EU Central Asia Education Platform project, facilitating the policy dialogue among the Central Asian countries and the EU. He also has served as Deputy Team Leader for the largest EU funded „Management Training Programme (MTP)“ covering up to seven countries, including Azerbaijan, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Russia providing expertise and capacity development to various Ministries and organising internship programmes for more than 3.500 young managers from these countries.
In the last years, he was involved as expert in supporting public and private institutions dealing with policy reforms in Higher Education, VET, in the labour market/employment promotion sector e.g. in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Serbia and for the Turkish Cypriot Community. Furthermore, he was designing and planning internship programmes for managing VET staff from Kazakhstan both in Germany and in Kazakhstan, and conducting project assessments in the VET sector.
He further worked as Project Director for the German Energy Agency, Germany’s centre of expertise for energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and intelligent energy systems, supporting the set-up of the former Russian-German Energy Agency.
Mr Wagner is fluent in English and Russian and a certified Project Management Professional.
Duration: 10:25 - 10:35 EEST
Vision of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Romania regarding the development of social economy. The Toledo Statement
Péter Makkai is Secretary of State in the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.
He is also the director of the department for people with disabilities, child welfare and family support at the Diakónia Christian Foundation in Sfântu Gheorghe. His name is linked to Casa Iris - a day center and occupational therapy for people with disabilities - activities and workshops held here, a special service for training and employment, social economy activities, sheltered housing, numerous local and international events which promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities, as well as the development of after-school education and support programs for disadvantaged children in Covasna County.
Duration: 10:40 - 10:50 EEST
Lilia Palii, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure from the Republic of Moldova: Vision of Republic of Moldova regarding the development of social entrepreneurship and youth engagement.
In 2020, Lilia Palii was appointed Secretary General of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, being responsible for coordinating activities in the field of business environment and investment development, quality infrastructure, market surveillance and industrial security, as well as monitoring intersectoral activities on all areas of competence of the ministry.
During 2016-2019, Lilia Palii held the position of Secretary General of the Government, being responsible for organizing and leading the activity of the State Chancellery. From 2011-2016, she held various management positions within the Ministry of Economy, being responsible for the field of business development.
Lilia Palii has worked in the field of economic diplomacy and international projects.
Duration: 10:55 - 11:05 EEST
Sanchenko Oleksandr Volodymyrovych, Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Freedom of Speech (Ukrainian Parliament): Vision of Ukraine regarding the development of social entrepreneurship and youth engagement.
Sanchenko Olexandr - Ukrainian politician, public figure, member of parliament of Ukraine, head of "Ze!Molodizhka" - youth wing of the party «SLUHA NARODU», head of All-Ukrainian Association for massmusic events, ex-director of government relations and corporate social responsibility of the Atlas Weekend festival, initiator of public activities focused on civil society development.
Duration: 11:10 - 11:20 EEST
Dragoș Pîslaru is a Romanian economist and politician. He is member of the European Parliament since 2019 on behalf of USRPLUS, affiliated to the European political family Renew Europe.
He is a graduate of the Faculty of International Economic Relations within the Academy of Economic Studies (ASE) in Bucharest, with a Bachelor's Degree in International Economics. He attended postgraduate courses, obtaining a diploma of 'In-depth Studies in European Integration' within the ASE. He holds a Master of Science in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science in the United Kingdom, and a Diploma of Entrepreneurship - Case Study Centered Learning at Harvard Business School. He obtained a PhD in economic sciences with a thesis held at the National Institute of Economic Research, within the Romanian Academy.
Dragos is the Renew Group Coordinator of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, Member of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, and of the Subcommittee on Tax Matters. Dragoș Pîslaru is the co-rapporteur of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the largest financial instrument created by the European Union for the economic recovery of the Union after the pandemic.
Duration: 11:25 - 11:35 EEST
Mihai Chirica, Mayor of Iași, will present the perspective of the municipality regarding the development of social entrepreneurship in Iași. His intervention and support are particularly relevant, as Iași is a pioneer city for social economy and now it is among the cities with the largest number of authorized social enterprises - the 4th place at national level.
Duration: 11:40 - 11:50 EEST
Cristian Popa, Board Member of The National Bank of Romania will give a presentation about Sustainable development: financing social entrepreneurship.
Mr. Cristian Popa is an experienced finance professional with extensive asset management background, being committed to furthering the progress of the local capital market.
Constantly applying the ethical standards promoted by CFA Institute, throughout his professional path, Mr. Popa has dealt with topics like investment strategy, equity portfolio management and research, all related to both local and European capital and debt markets.
When it comes to people and stakeholders management, Mr. Cristian Popa always looks for constructive approaches and proactivity by encouraging open and honest communication as premises for trustworthy work and business relationships.
Duration: 11:55 - 12:05 EEST
Dana Verbal, Policy officer for Social Entrepreneurship, Directorate General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL), European Commission
Dana is part of a team focusing on social economy and social entrepreneurship at the DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission. The focus of her work is currently on the preparation of the upcoming European action plan for the social economy. She is notably working on measures to facilitate access to finance for social enterprises, develop social finance markets and build the capacity of social economy stakeholders.
Her academic background is in International Economic Relations and Social Sciences, topics that she studied and researched at the Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest and the University of Trieste.
Duration: 12:10 - 12:20 EEST
Giuseppe Guerini: The Contribution of the European Union to the Growth of the Social Economy Sector.
Giuseppe Guerini President of CECOP-CICOPA Europa, the European Confederation of Industrial Cooperatives and Social Cooperatives, representing some 50,000 companies with more than 1.3 million workers in Europe, member of the Board in CICOPA and Cooperatives Europe.
Member of the EESC (European Economic and Social Commitee) since September 2010 has been dealing in particular with the social economy and social enterprises, employment and labor and finance for SMEs and social enterprises. On last December he has been spokesperson for the Social Economy category of the ESSC.
Since 2010 unti June 2018, he has been a national president of Confcooperative-Federsolidarietà (association representing 6,200 social cooperatives, social enterprises in Italy). He has been a social entrepreneur since 1988, when he started working as a base operator in a cooperative of social solidarity.
He subsequently had executive roles in several cooperatives. He has been an administrator in many social cooperatives and consortia and in a Cooperative Credit Bank. For 4 years he was a member of the Board of Directors of Banca Popolare di Bergamo of the UBI Group. He is a member of the board of the AICCON research Center of the University of Bologna. From 2012 to 2015, he was chairman of the Entrepreneurial & Territory Unit Committee, which brings together 10 small and medium-sized enterprise associations in the province of Bergamo.
He is also a member of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture and Crafts Industry in Bergamo.
“Social Economy is solidarity organized in an entrepreneurial form, promoting social innovation thanks to the active involvement of people and communities.”
“Recognizing the fundamental economic function of social solidarity makes it possible to transform investments in these sectors into multipliers of human capital and therefore to give future and sustainability to social cohesion.”
Duration: 12:25 - 12:35 EEST
Diana Mihalcea are un vast background jurnalistic, activând mai bine de 15 ani în presa economică din România. Calitățile de comunicator și le-a rafinat conducând ample proiecte de relații publice pentru companii private și ONG-uri. În prezent, deține propria Agenție de Comunicare și Marketing – PRING. Diana Mihalcea deține titlul de doctor în domeniul Finanțe, fiind cadru universitar în cadrul Universității „Al.I.Cuza”
Ovidiu Mihăiuc este rezultatul unei combinații de pasiuni pentru istorie (MA), sociologie (PhD) și putere (BA). Cititor pasionat, urmărește cu interes tot ceea ține de eficiență în comunicare.
Are 18 ani de experiență în jurnalism – reporter de teren, editor, redactor. Timp de 7 ani, a prezentat emisiunea Vocile Iașului la Digi24 Iaşi, unde a intervievat politicieni, antreprenori, artiști, doctori, manageri, experți, miniștri. Peste 1.400 de emisiuni realizate.
Este Managing Partner la Vocile 2.0. Are numeroase colaborări în PR, consultanță și comunicare și este coordonator de activități copywriting la Business Days.
Duration: 12:40 - 12:45 EEST
Duration: 12:50 - 13:00 EEST
Social enterprises that change the future of our communities - Success stories from the portfolio of ADV Romania (video stories)
Duration: 13:05 - 13:10 EEST
Bruno has 24 years of experience in equity financing of cooperative enterprises at the European level through Soficatra, a risk capital investment company for the Social Economy in Europe. He has been collaborating on the CoopEst project since its inception (i.e. over 6 years).
Bruno is a member of the CoopEst Executive Committee and in this capacity is involved in all the development challenges of this vehicle of social finance, operating in Central and Eastern Europe and currently holding a portfolio of €38 M across 31 partner financial institutions.
Duration: 13:15 - 13:25 EEST
Gabriele Giulietti, Head of International Affairs at Banca Popolare Etica, will explain the importance of access to finance and will provide several examples of Banca Etica's activities to support small producers through microfinance entities.
Gabriele Giulietti began his banking career at "Credito Italiano" in 1990 and joined Banca Popolare Etica in 1998 where he held a number of positions including: deputy Managing Director from October 1998 to 2011 , Director of Sales and Institutional Affairs from 2011 to May 2013, Director of Credit, Institutional and International Affairs since 2013, now is in charge of the international development activities of Banca Etica.
Mr. Giulietti holds a Master's degree in Economics from the University of Genoa. He is currently President of Cresud (the Banca Etica's Group financial tool dedicated to microfinance and fairtrade ). He served as a member of the Board of SGR (Banca Etica Group Investment Company) from 2002 to 2014 and as a member of Libera Terra Mediterraneo (cooperatives working on the grounds confiscated to mafia) until 2020.
Board member of Coopest and Coopmed.
Married, three sons, his wife Elisabetta Viscardi is a pediatric oncologist at Padova General Hospital and still shares with Gabriele a long term social experience in the Italian Catholic Scout Movement (Agesci).
Duration: 13:30 - 13:40 EEST
Cristina Dumitrescu, Senior Investment Manager, Inclusive Finance at the European Investment Fund (EIF) will present the EaSI guarantee scheme for social enterprises in the next financial EU 2021-2027.
Cristina has been active in the financial sector for more than 25 years, gathering a wide experience of the Central and Eastern Europe financial markets by working with both financial services providers but also final beneficiaries. After graduating the MBA program at Manchester Business School in 2005, Cristina entered into the microfinance arena, by working for the European Fund for Southeast Europe.
Starting with 2013, she joined the Inclusive Finance Team at EIF, being directly involved in the implementation of the EU programs for microfinance and social entrepreneurship finance.
Duration: 13:45 - 13:55 EEST
Petrică Dulgheru: Financial Instrument for Roma Entrepreneurs Finance in Balkans.
Petrică Dulgheru is the Chairman of the Board for REDI NGO and REDI Economic Development S.A.- Roma Entrepreneurship Development Initiative.
Petrica Dulgheru is one of the founding members of REDI. A chemist by training, Petrica has extensive experience in academia as well as having worked extensively in the private and non-profit sectors The experience in the private sector enabled him to successfully set-up and launch several start-ups in the area of social entrepreneurship supporting excluded people to regain a place on the job market. Petrica has a B.Sc. from the University of Bucharest (2006), a Ph.D. from University College Dublin (2011), and is currently pursuing an MBA at the Central European University (2022).
During 2011-2015, he served on the advisory board of the Roma Initiatives Office (part of the Open Society Foundations), since 2012 he is a fellow of the Aspen Institute Romania.
Duration: 14:00 - 14:05 EEST
Bogdan Merfea and Dante Stein will present AFIN, Alternative Finanace IFN , from the idea to action
Bogdan Merfea is an active promoter of financial inclusion, member of the Board of Directors of Patria BANK, active member of the European Microfinance Network and chairman of the Board of Directors of Patria Credit.
Mr.Merfea has extensive academic experience, a doctorate in Mechanical Engineering and a master's degree in Business Management, also taking courses at the prestigious INSEAD school.In parallel with the development of a university career over 18 years, Mr. Merfea has coordinated, since 1995, projects and programs for supporting and promoting micro-enterprises and SMEs in Romania.
Mr. Dante Stein is a businessman who beside his business interests, is also founder or is involved in a number of charities related and Societal Development Organizations in Romania as well as in several major companies.
Notably among his business ventures in Romania is company Autoitalia, a nation-wide automotive distributer in Romania that went on to become a leading company in its industry with a consolidated turnover of € 260 Mio. The business was divested in 2011.
One more notable achievement was the creation of INVESTROMANIA, a Governmental agency tasked with attracting Foreign Direct Investments (FDI’s) into Romania.
Some Supervisory Boards positions Mr. Stein has hold:
• Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the ROMANIAN POST
• Member of the Supervisory Board of TELEKOM Romania
• Chairman of the Board of the National airline carries, TAROM
In 2016 Mr. Stein founded his latest NGO called CAUZA BUNA, an NGO that aims at contributing to improve Romania’s society and economy.
Mr. Stein is the founder and Chairman of the Board of Foundation MAKE-A-WISH Romania, a US based charity whose aim is to fulfill the wishes of children with life threatening illness.
"The only Categorial Imperative is to do good". Adapted from Immanuel Kant
Duration: 14:15 - 14:25 EEST
Raluca Andreica, CEO Patria Credit will share insights from successful business models and financing in rural area.
Duration: 14:30 - 14:40 EEST
Daniel Sorrosal - Secretary General, European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks and Financiers (FEBEA)
He coordinates the Federation's strategy and oversees the implementation of the annual operational plan. He represents FEBEA and its members before the European Institutions and coordinates the lobbying and advocacy work of the Federation.
Duration: 14:45 - 14:55 EEST
Dragoș is the co-founder and CEO of fonduri-structurale.ro & consolid8.ro. He has more than 15 years’ experience in business consultancy and in identifying funding opportunities for a large array of organisations: SMEs, start-ups, social entrepreneurs, NGOs, public local and national authorities. Dragos has over 6 years’ experience in developing acceleration programs for start-ups and social entrepreneurs.
Duration: 15:00 - 15:10 EEST
Duration: 15:15 - 16:00 EEST
In this panel we will discover the story of the social enterprise Eco-Răzeni and the social entrepreneur Sergiu Gurău, a pioneer in the social economy in the Republic of Moldova.
Duration: 16:05 - 16:10 EEST
Vasile Vulpe, Head of the Economic Policy and Business Environment Department, Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure of the Republic of Moldova will present The National Program for Development of Social Entrepreneurship in Moldova 2021-2025!
Starting with 2017, Vasile Vulpe holds the position of Head of the Economic Policy and Business Environment Department within the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, being responsible for managing the public policy development process in sectors such as: Small and medium enterprises, business regulation, attracting investment, internal trade and tourism and the development of social entrepreneurship.
During this period, he succeeded in the implementation of 2 significant reforms to improve the business environment and investment climate in the Republic of Moldova: the reform on optimizing control bodies and the reform on simplifying business start-ups by reducing the number of permissive documents and establishing the One-Stop Shop for requesting and issuing permissive acts.
Vasile Vulpe has legal and economic studies.
Duration: 16:15 - 16:25 EEST
Iulia Costin, General Director ODIMM: The National Program for Financing and Mentoring of Social Enterprises 2021-2025.
Duration: 16:30 - 16:40 EEST
Olesea Ghedrovici, Senior Policy Advisor, Component manager, MEPA / GIZ, R. Moldova will give a presentation about the Support of MEPA project, implemented by GIZ for social entrepreneurship in Moldova.
Olesea Ghedrovici coordinates the policy component within the project “Advising the Government of the Republic of Moldova on economic policies”, implemented by GIZ Moldova with the financial support of the Governments of Germany and Switzerland. The project represented by Olesea Ghedrovici provided expertise to the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure in the elaboration of the Regulation of the National Commission for Social Entrepreneurship and supports the Ministry and the ODIMM in the development of the dedicated National Programs.
Duration: 16:45 - 16:55 EEST
Tatiana Vygovskaia-Kamenko is a project coordinator at Egalite International. She has 21 years of experience in project coordination in Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Tatiana is dedicated to promoting an agile project management approach and provide top-ranked services to project beneficiaries.
Duration: 17:00 - 17:10 EEST
Andreja Rosandić, European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) - Project Manager for Stakeholders Engagement at "Collaborate for Impact" Project.
Ms Rosandić has more than 15 years of experience in social finance and social enterprise in Europe, Western Balkans and recently Eastern Neighbourhood. She holds a Master of Science in Multidisciplinary Studies and a Bachelor's degree in Social Pedagogy. Ms Rosandić is an experienced manager, lecturer, advisor and evaluator for social enterprise with excellent teamwork, communication and intercultural skills for quality consultancy to complex cooperation projects.
Ms Rosandić is founder of the craft for intellectual services providing mentoring, coaching, consulting and trainings to various social entrepreneurs and social economy stakeholders. She recently initiated and is running an elective course on Social Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences University of Zagreb. Prior to that, Ms. Rosandić led her own social enterprise after years of experience implementing social enterprise and civil society strengthening projects in the Western Balkans. She held the position of Sustainability Manager for Central Europe at NESsT for five years. Her responsibilities included donor relations across Central Europe and the Balkans, including project implementation in the field of social enterprise and providing business advisory support to various SE in the region. Prior to joining NESsT, she worked for five years at the Academy for Educational Development (AED, now FHI360) where she was responsible for managing a variety of grants programmes. She also worked on several EU projects, as an Evaluator for PHARE 2005 and 2006, and as a Consultant in the field of Vocational Education. In addition, she worked for a year as an advocate of Children’s Rights. Ms Rosandić speaks fluent English as well as Serbian and Bosnian and her mother tongue Croatian.
Duration: 17:15 - 17:25 EEST
Florentina Natalia Budescu, Director of the Association of Cross-Border Cooperation "Lower Danube Euroregion" (ACTDEJ) will give a speech about Social economy - challenges and opportunities in the Lower Danube Euro-region.
Natalia has over 15 years’ experience of leading public and private entities, expertise in European funded projects for development in different domains: public policies, environmental protection and social-economic development, degrees in public administration, law and environmental management and a strong belief that ” any challenge can be transformed into an opportunity.
"Nowadays, I am trying to prove every day that public and private sector not only coexist but it is compulsory to work together in order to reach development in a sustainable way. My visit card in the Black Sea region includes over 20 projects for sustainable growth with a total budget of over 10 million Euro.
My recipe for a “normal life” is listen, analyse and decide, learn, adapt, grow, assume and at the end ……just build.
As part traditional partner of the Black Sea NGO Forum I am building projects, partnerships, networks and enabling a safe space for sustainable growth which implies social economy initiatives!"
Duration: 17:30 - 17:40 EEST
Duration: 17:45 - 18:00 EEST
Patrizia Bussi, Director of the European Network of Social Integration Enterprises (ENSIE), will present The European Semester and the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience.
Patrizia Bussi studied at the business management Faculty of the Turin University (Italy). She is the Director of the European Network of Social Integration Enterprise (ENSIE), representing social enterprises and especially more than 3200 work integration social enterprises across Europe (29 members in 19 EU Member States, Serbia and Moldavia), aiming to contribute to sustainable development in Europe and also in neighbourhood countries, especially Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership ones.
Since 2012 she is a member of the European Commission expert group on social business (GECES), member of the working group on the role of clusters and similar forms of business cooperation and since 2020 she represents the social economy in the Fit 4 Future Platform.
Since the beginning of 2019 she is Vice-President of Social Economy Europe.
‘I really believe in the power of Work Integration Social Enterprises which every day are working to develop more inclusive and integrated forms of employment to ensure that no one is left behind’
Duration: 18:05 - 18:15 EEST
Luk Zederloo, Secretary General of EASPD - The European Strategy on the Inclusion of People with Disabilities. The Right to Work.
Mr. Luk Zelderloo has been professionally active in the disability sector for more than 32 years. He holds a Master’s degree in Management, Social science & Philosophy. For more than 13 years he was active as manager of a social service for persons with disabilities in Flanders. For the last 19 years, he has been working at European level in the field. He is one of the founding fathers of the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) where he is currently Secretary General. Mr Zelderloo is also President of Job-Link, a service providing vocational training and job coaching for persons with disabilities; President and Board member of Social Services Europe; Vice president of the European Federation for Family Employment (EFFE); Co-chair of the European Expert Group on transition from institutional to community based-care and member of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Structured Dialogue.
Mr Zelderloo has extensive knowledge of public policy developments, managing EU funded projects, quality of social services and of deinstitutionalisation and community-based care. He has acted as a speaker and organiser of conferences on topics such as: education and employment of persons with disabilities, staff training, state aid, poverty reduction, combating sexual abuse, social policies, capacity-building and stakeholder cooperation.
Wisdom quote by Mr. Luk Zederloo:
“A job keeps me out of poverty
A job allows me to learn and develop
Thanks to my job I can contribute to society
A job makes me part of a group of people…
Indeed a job is more than a job.”
Duration: 18:20 - 18:30 EEST
Sonia Oprean is the Co-founder & Managing Partner of Synerb Venture Catalyzer. She has experience in management consulting and financial services throughout 3 geographies: The Philippines, Romania and India. She started her journey in the social entrepreneurship sector working for Villgro Innovations Foundation, India, and continued as the Senior Portfolio Manager of NESsT Romania. She is an experienced trainer and an active mentor, providing strategic planning support on Finance, Business Performance Management, Human Resources & Governance, Fundraising and Impact Measurement to a significant number of social enterprises.
Previous professional experience includes 4 years with PricewaterhouseCoopers, Romania and 1 year in the Philippines, where she coordinated an international team in establishing a legal process outsourcing company from ground zero.
She is the author of „The Financial Sustainability of Social Enterprises in Romania”, the first study focused on assessing the financial performance of the Romanian social enterprise sector and a member of ACCA.
Duration: 18:35 - 18:45 EEST
Ancuța Vameșu, International Social Economy Expert, will launch of the National Barometer of Social Economy.
Ancuța Vameșu has been active in the Romanian non-governmental sector since the 1990s when she initiated and designed a series of civil society development programs. She has been a member of the Expert Group on Social Economy of the European Commission 2012-2014 and in the International Scientific Commission of CIRIEC (International Center for Research in the Social and Cooperative Economy) since 2017.
Ancuta founded and was the first director of the Foundation for the Development of Civil Societies, in which he initiated in 2010 the Institute of Social Economy and in 2013 the Solidarity Laboratory.
From 2020 it is presented at Ateliere fara Frontiere, one of the most experienced and innovative social companies in our country, and at RISE, the Romanian Network of Social Enterprises for Insertion through Economic Activity.
Duration: 18:50 - 19:00 EEST
Social enterprises that change the future of our communities - Success stories from the portfolio of ADV Romania (video stories)
Duration: 10''
This year, world leaders put the theme of the social economy on the main agenda of the Davos Economic Forum. The European Commission will launch the Social Economy Action Plan at the end of 2021. In Romania, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan will include dedicated measures for social entrepreneurs. So much interest tells us something! On May 13, the event of the year dedicated to entrepreneurship and social economy, will be organized in Iasi - the city that put on the map of Europe models of good practice in the social economy and brought to Romania the EY Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2016 award!
DetailsMay 13, 2022 | Free online registration
The conference is organized by the Foundation "Together with You" Romania (ADV), within the projects EU4Youth - Social Innovation Impact - a strategic partnership and AFIN - the alternative financing institution in Romania dedicated to the social economy sector. ADV is one of the pioneers of the social economy in Romania, which contributed to the emergence of the Law on Social Economy (2015), has developed 3 own social enterprises and is a grant administrator for 42 social enterprises. The event is supported by the European Union, national and international partners: Patria Credit, FEBEA, Association of Cross-border Cooperation "Lower Danube Euroregion", Cross-Border Cooperation and European Integration Agency, Youth Public Organization "New European Generation", SFA - Social Finance Association, RISE, FONSS, FOND, ENSIE, EASPD, FDSC, European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA).
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